French nurse-in - over 2700 participants in 35 cities in France
Released on: October 25, 2007, 1:31 pm
Press Release Author: Marie Florence ASTOIN
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: The Grande T�t�e (French nurse-in) of 2007, had over 2700 participants in 35 cities in France and a massive news coverage which caused a lot of debate
Press Release Body: Every woman who wants to breastfeed her child should be able to do so .
It\'s not always easy to breastfeed when you\'ve never seen anyone do it .
At 2 pm, on October 14, 2007, in the flash of a photo, more than 220 women in Paris, 70 in Lyon, 60 in Nantes, a total of 1360 women all over France simultaneously breastfed their babies opening World Breastfeeding Week. In Paris, over 400 people, plus many babies and children, gathered in the Stade Charl�ty , an omnisports stadium in the 13th arrondissement.
In addition to Paris, there were more than 35 French cities participating in the event including: Angers, Angouleme, Annecy, Bayonne, Bordeaux, Brest, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Gap, Gu�ret, Le Havre, Lille, Lons Le Saunier, Lyon, Montpelier, Morlaix, Nancy, Nimes, Perpignan, Pourri�res, Quimper, Reims, Rennes, Rouen, Strasburg, Tours, Toulon, Valence and, in the overseas departments: Tahiti, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Saint Gilles of the Reunion.
The Grande T�t�e is about women convening. The goal is to inform and support women who want to breastfeed, but also to expand how our society views breastfeeding.
Health professionals, lactation consultants, volunteers of breastfeeding support groups took park in the happening. Over 20 of these people were at the Grande T�t�e in Paris, 240 total all over France, to answer the questions of pregnant women and new mothers.
During October 15 through 21, World Breastfeeding Week, there were many events occurring all over France in order to promote breastfeeding. World Breastfeeding Week in France is organized by the Coordination Fran�aise pour l\'Allaitement Maternel or French Breastfeeding Coordination. This year\'s theme is getting breastfeeding off to a good start.
France\'s Minister of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and to continue breastfeeding while gradually introducing solid foods up to the age of 2 years, or longer if mutually desired by mother and child.
Promoting breastfeeding is one purpose of France\'s National Nutrition and Health Program. 75% of French women say they want to breastfeed their babies but only 60% actually succeed. France has one of Europe\'s lowest rates for breastfeeding : French women usually breastfeed for a short period of time, an average of 10 weeks.
Despite the false ideas regarding breastfeeding and the difficulty in receiving correct help in France, many mothers do choose to breastfeed. Many of these women came to the Grande T�t�e to meet and support other women like themselves.
The news coverage of the Grande T�t�e was massive. Here are some examples:
Parenth�ses Radio , October 15th Le Parisien , October 15th, Allaiter c\'est bien mais pas si facile Lyon Capitale, N�635, La Grande T�t�e : une initiative pour encourager les femmes � r�ussir l\'allaitement qui leur convient : > http://tf1.lci. fr/infos/ france/0, ,3571994, 00-2700-femmes- allaitent- leur-bebe- meme-temps- .html France 2 Channel October 15th, in the show On n\'a pas tout dit.
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Contact Details: Marie Florence ASTOIN